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"How To Get More Customers"

Who Needs Digital Hair Gel?

We live in the only, and a funny world. And I’m fully aware of what the small percentage (and I should add – the “high end”) of town expect from men today. I’m talking about the Calvin Kleins and Tom

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My Old Enemy Returned.

This is a story I had to share, because I don’t want you to fall victim to this. I fell for my old enemies trap again two days ago. My enemy wears the greatest disguises, very often i don’t realise

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A living legend was laughed at.

The legend I’m talking about was on his hands and knees, in his office, with an empty suitcase next to him. What you don’t yet realise is he’s responsible for something that likely brought you a lot of joy, if

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George Foreman Teaches You Facebook Ads.

Ok not really, but something he was involved in can give you a very important lesson in Facebook Ads. But here’s something you probably didn’t know about the George Foreman grill… It was originally manufactured and sold as a taco

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Failing and agreeing with hippies.

A couple of years ago, maybe more.. I could see that the ‘lead generation’ side of our business was going to slow down. I was reading between the lines so to speak – that’s a different story for a different

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Stop that new website design!

What Actually Makes Progress Online. Website designs (or re-designs) are kind of like new running shoes, or that gym membership. It feels so good to get them, or to order them… that SOMETIMES you don’t even have to go for

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The Online Jigsaw Puzzle

Remember those old jigsaw puzzles?  They were one big picture, cut up into hundreds of little odd shapes, and you had to pick up one piece and try to find it’s neighbouring piece. Eventually…(if you didn’t give up) if you had

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Why Most Online Businesses Fail

And How NOT To Join That List. Hello Friend (sorry, I don’t know your name). My name is Craig Marty and I’ve been working for myself from home, from shared office space or on the road since 2011. I’ve always

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Facebook Launching Dating Service

The first thing to do is check the calendar and make sure it’s not April Fools Day. Now that you see it’s September, let’s talk about the BIG news that Facebook is launching a new dating service.      

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How to Sell Your Knowledge

Don’t Teach Your Info, Do This Instead. There’s major growth in the information selling industry. It was big 10 years ago, and it’s only getting bigger. The irony is, I also play in this information selling field! When you charge

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