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"How To Get More Customers"

Category: Uncategorized

This Beats Planning EVERY TIME!

Firstly, a ugly confession I need you to know. It has been almost 2 years since the last time I wrote a blog post and on that same note, since I had first drafted the idea for this very blog

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Change Of Plans

Firstly let me tell you that I’m not the type of guy who calls people out, who names names or anything like that. So I’ll never share the particulars but I’ll share enough for you to enjoy this quick story. 

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When You Realise What’s Most Important

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How To Get Paid Twice

Listen to this article below by clicking play (or read below). My secret guilty pleasure is food, I can’t get enough food. Thai is my favourite but that’s probably a story for another day. Besides food which is the obvious

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Grow Your Business 75% Easier

I was working with a client a few years ago when this truth really hit home with me.  It’s one of those things that you know but over time it kind of crystallises in your mind and you begin to

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7 Business Myths To Avoid

I’m a father of 1, soon to be father of 2 and I know where I would rather spend the majority of my time in every 7 day week, and it’s not chasing down customers and trying to get more

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Customer Checkpoints For Every Business

In the last post I mentioned that getting a free copy of my marketing map would be a good idea so that when you listen to this very episode which you are right now, you will get a lot out

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I Was Forced To Start a Business

Hello again, my name is Craig Marty and I dedicate my time and business to Help business owners spend less time each day in their business (whilst still feeding it to grow and grow), so they can spend more time

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Why I Do The Opposite

I started to learn about internet marketing, starting businesses and trying to become a “successful business owner” back in November / December 2004. Today in 2020, that’s a long time ago.   The actual day of the month and the exact

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My Old Fresh Start

I’m very excited to be posting this right now, it’s been years of thought and several months in the making. My name is Craig Marty and I decided to restart this blog again to share more of what I’m doing

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